Deviate Psychopath??
I am a cold, cruel, calculating, manipulative, borderline bitch from hell.
Those words are at the end of one of my posts on my old blog. I wrote those words in May. A long time before I did the psych testing and "deviate psychopath" was one of my elevated scores. I remember asking D what it meant.......cold, cruel, calculating. Strange how we *know* things before we know.
I know I calculate a lot of my actions. And I can feel it, when the cold, cruel exterior takes over. It's like a suit of armor falls over me and I no longer feel anything. Manipulative, borderline bitch.....well now that's awfully redundant I think. I think those 3 descriptors travel together. Is it even possible to be one of those 3 without being the others? I doubt it.
Antisocial......Borderline......Paranoid.......Schizoid........Drug Dependence.......Manic: Bipolar.......Depressed.......Deviate Psychopath
No wonder they're not supposed to show you the scores. Not great for the self esteem.
Those words are at the end of one of my posts on my old blog. I wrote those words in May. A long time before I did the psych testing and "deviate psychopath" was one of my elevated scores. I remember asking D what it meant.......cold, cruel, calculating. Strange how we *know* things before we know.
I know I calculate a lot of my actions. And I can feel it, when the cold, cruel exterior takes over. It's like a suit of armor falls over me and I no longer feel anything. Manipulative, borderline bitch.....well now that's awfully redundant I think. I think those 3 descriptors travel together. Is it even possible to be one of those 3 without being the others? I doubt it.
Antisocial......Borderline......Paranoid.......Schizoid........Drug Dependence.......Manic: Bipolar.......Depressed.......Deviate Psychopath
No wonder they're not supposed to show you the scores. Not great for the self esteem.
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