Sunday, October 17, 2004

Introspection never lets you out

I don't get what's going on with me. Everything is fine until I stop to think about how it's going. I saw doc bowtie on the 16th and that, of course, stirred things up again. It got me thinking and now that I'm thinking it's not a good thing.
Maybe I just think too much. Maybe that's the only problem with me. Maybe if I could shut off this introspection I'd be fine. I can't help but think that maybe I'm fine and I'm wasting everyone's time. That any problems I do have are just in my head as a result of over analyzing things. Maybe normal people just don't do that and that's why they're fine. So if I could just stop all this damn thinking I'd be okay. I wouldn't need meds and psychiatrists and therapists. I wouldn't need any of it. I could be just fine on my own if I just stopped indulging this introspective nature I seem to have.
I mean really, what is it that D can do for me that I can't do for myself? What good is it to have a psychiatrist if I don't really need meds? No one ever said life was perfect so why do I have such high expectations? Why do I seem to think that I have all these disorders when really I just need to grow up and keep my goals in sight. All people need goals. We all need to have a direction in life. Once we have that direction we just keep working towards it. That's all there is to it. I'm sure a lot of people in this world had fucked up childhoods, but that isn't any reason to let it control one's life. There's nothing really wrong with me. I think I just like the attention that I get from having problems. I don't think that the things going on in my mind qualify as Bipolar Disorder. I probably make myself manic on purpose for attention. It never lasts long anyway. I don't think any of it qualifies for a manic episode. Even that stuff that happened this summer was probably just me making it happen. That's probably something I would do on purpose. I think I've just been wasting everyone's time and energy.

Geez, is that ever rude of me.



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